
Saturday, July 16, 2016

Basic training for July - August 2016

Time for a change again so here you have the new links for July and August!

I have actually chosen two shorter training sessions to match the outdoor season we are in now. Anyhow I hope to get out more . . .

It seems that my muscles are working well, an idea based on feedback last weekend! The follower was a masseur and after wrapping her left arm around my back she started to laugh and said that my fillets were great, unusual large ones! So even for that reason I can step down a bit.

The cardio part for Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is an old one. One of the comments below the video stated that s/he had been watching Denise's workouts as a kid!

It is different compared to the workouts of today but it is not so easy as you think. I just say.

The pilates part for Monday and Saturday is a totally new one for me. I liked her voice and the neutral tone on her presentation of the movements. In 15 mins you get a lot of fundamental moves to keep your core fit!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Basic training for May - June 2016

These will be my basic training sessions for the period!

Monday and Saturday it will be pilates as usual. This is quite heavy on the stomach and I hope some effects then!

For Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday one workout from Fittnesblender. In quite short time she/they got over 6 milj views so we have a lot company here if you too join the crowd!

I have been exercising with these ladies for 10 days now and I am fully happy with our mornings!

The Fittnesblender cardio was so great! It is not only my opinion but during the weeks the  view count went up over one milion to 7.3milion. If you try this one you will agree that this workout is worth the time!

On other side I had serious problems with the pilates choice. The moves were ok but her voice started bugg med more and more so I was happy when my traveling gave me an accuse to skip her for the last few times. She had a kind of add on; it sounded like an old door needing some oil when it moves. I have heard that this kind of pronanciation is a modern phenomenon, especially among the wimen. Anyhow if you can cope with it you get an ok workout with these ladies.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Boost your training by Biagi!

Biagi and 30/20/10-training

From now on I will add to my weekly routine a short interval training session on indoor bike! You maybe have heard about the 30-20-10 training where the first half a minute is run in a moderate speed, the next 20 seconds you add some more heat and the last 10 seconds will be performed at your top speed. (I will take it piano to start with but if it will proceed ok even I will put a top speed on the 10 seconds!

It seems to be crucial to hit the top speed ever so short period and even the experienced athletes have pushed their records forward and got better healthy markers! So why not try it?

I have made one music video 2x5 min with 2 mins rest in between. So you can take a training period of 5 mins or 12 mins! Beep 30s/beep 20s/beep 10s/beep .../beep,beep,beep    2min    beep,beep,beep/beep 30s ...

Hang on the Biagi tones! . . . but on your own responsibility and on a doctors advice!

Want to know more about this before you start?
Here you have the Bangsbo youtube video and if you prefer to read the study the link is found below.

Bangsbo study to read about rod Runing